If you are using the SDRPlay, you might want to head over to the SDRPlay Webpage and download the latest version of SDRuno. There are some new features that you might find useful. Not to mention that the bandwidth for non-SDRPlay SDRs has been increased to 2.5 MHz if you are using a RTL SDR or other DLL supported SDRs. Here are the details:
Today, we released version 1.1 of SDRuno, specifically for RSP. New features include a calibrated power measurement facility, an SNR meter and automatic S-meter calibration. There are many additional improvements and fixes. To find out more about all the additional features, documentation can be found on http://www.sdrplay.com/docs/SDRplay_SDRuno_Release_Notes.pdf and the software is available to download from http://www.sdrplay.com/windows.html
Paul Jones and Mike Ladd have worked tirelessly to get the new features documented in an updated version of the SDRuno Cookbook: http://www.nn4f.com/SDRuno-cookbook.pdf
Other SDRs can also use SDRuno with a new increased bandwidth limit of 2.5MHz (e.g. RTL-SDR)